Reading time: 2 min 50 sec.

Getting out of my head, and on to – whatever really. Just out of my head.

What to write and what not to write. Think before you speak. Who are at the receiving end of the media?

I do not know the answer to this. However, I know what direction I like to travel towards, and I'm good at changing course if it needs adjusting.

My head has thoughts. Those thoughts are getting into ideas, feelings, views and whatnot. I need it out of my head and on to something in writing. I used countless years thinking about writing and blogging and who my reader will be, and and and and.

I'm not native English, but I do dislike my native language. If you have googled the title of this site, you know it refers to autism. I got my diagnosis a year ago ( Plus-minus ), at the start of the Corona shutdown. I'm from the 1980s, with 2 children, a spouse, and a cat that I'm not too fond of. Most of the time. At times, I talk to him and pet him. I love and adore my children and spouse, not sure who I cherish the most; it's a variable. At times, I like to give my children away with no return label. But I love them, I do very much. As for all parents, kids takes up space, energy and sleep. It's just that it hit autistic people differently. My spouse just has bad gasses at times. Everything else I love adores and like very much.

Being on the spectrum and having children, a wife and a full-time job and all “normal” ish NT stuff can be draining most of the time. Not can, are. If I know what I know now, before I met my lovely companion and got children, I'm not sure what now will look like. Will I still have children? Will I marry my wife? Most likely, the one with a spouse, but I know she wanted to have children, and I will not stand in the way of her getting children… So the question is just – will I then still have got children?

One thing I do know is that the cat will not have entered the house… So it's an unnecessary energy drain… But we have it, and it's a living being that we have taken to us. So that does conclude we have to take care of it till the end. The end can't be far away. The cat is 10 years or so of age, so my patience continues…

I've been told I need a purpose for everything. I, my self have a hard time doing anything without a purpose for it. Learning for the sake of learning, or for the fun of it, is not something I often do. But writing, sharing, helping I like doing, but I can't really say why and to what purpose. I like to share what I learn about autism for adults (I enjoy sharing whatever I know.). If you lean into autism, it's all about the children. When the children hit 18 years of age or legal age, no more or really little help comes you're way. Finding information about it, how to fit the NT world, and how to help the external world learn about it is hard.

Another scope is telling my story in parts, but not from start to end.